Friday, May 22, 2015


I made this blog private for awhile, and I most likely will again soon. I started a new job recently as well as a new big project, and I realized this blog has been dividing my energy and focus at a time when I really need to be conserving them. I also was feeling a bit uncomfortable with some of the viewership of this blog. So I made it private and also "unpublished" a number of posts, new and old, that I felt either weren't worthwhile or were outdated in certain information.

For now though, I'm re-opening the blog just to post a couple updates. I finally broke my long rejection streak that began last September and got an acceptance on one of my pieces recently. It's a short story, fiction, that will appear at Drunk Monkeys at the start of June. I'm thrilled. Drunk Monkeys is a cool digital literary journal and film blog helmed by Matthew Guerruckey. It features a  truly interesting and eclectic range of articles, stories, poems, reviews, and such, and I think the story I wrote found a perfect home for itself there.

I'll put up another post when the story is published. In the meantime, here's some photos of some buffalo running across the Illinois prairie, at the Nachusa Grasslands run by the Nature Conservancy. Yes, real wild buffalo, or bison. Click on the pics to see them a bit bigger and closer. Not that this has anything to do with my upcoming story, but this gives you an idea of some of what I've been doing with myself since the blog has been shut down: watching the buffalo roam, basically.

Here they come! No, I couldn't get any closer. They're wild animals, not pets.
Running wild buffalo, at Nachusa Grasslands, Illinois.

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